
That time
Beyond deserving
When you sit
In the sun
In the spring
In a wash of music
Bathed in breeze
Touched by light
Like a lover

You don’t need to breathe
The wind is your own breath
The birds use your breath to sing
The soil breathes it in for you

You grow roots
Through the mulch
Into the secret dark
Suck life straight in
From the deep earth
Where millions waited
and you know home

About janemwoodman

Singer, writer, restaurant reviewer, urban farmer, devoted lover of my husband....old and getting happier all the time.
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2 Responses to Garden

  1. cote8050 says:

    Oh my God, I think this is your best yet my friend, i can feel these words, taste the breath, hear the birds and soak up the sun and earth. wow… so beautiful!! much love to you. Michelle

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